Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tylers farewell November 16th at 9 a.m.

That's right, my first baby is leaving the nest for 2 years! It is so hard to let him go, as he has been such a blessing in my (our) lives. What a wonderful example he has been to his younger siblings! I love him to pieces and will miss him so much, but he will be doing such great work and have an experience of a lifetime. He will bless so many lives in South Africa, as he has blessed all of ours. Anyone who comes in contact will be fortunate - because of Tyler's laughter, spirit, love and sense of humor (definitely infectious.) We love you so much Ty! You are awesome!


Anonymous said...

aw you are so sweet :)
what is his mission site web address again??

The Shafer Family said...

Thank you for having us over on Sunday. Tyler did a great job. We'll miss him too. I'm looking forward to hearing about his adventures on his mission. Bo is so blessed to have a friend like Tyler.