Saturday, January 17, 2009

This is your life!

No matter what else you are doing,
From cradle right down to the end.
You are writing your life's secret story,
Each night a new page is penned,
Each month is the end of a chapter,
Each year the end of a part,
And never a word is misstated,
Not even a wish of the heart.

Each morn when you wake the book opens,
Revealing a page clean and white,
each though, each word, and each act,
Reveal on its pages by night.

God leaves that to you, you're the writer
And never a word will be dimmed
Until some day you write the word "Finish"
And give the book back to him.

What a great poem and words to the wise. Although there are things that enter your life that you obviously have no control over, for the most part, you create your life. You have complete control over your happiness. As I look back over the last year I can't help but think how blessed I am. We have a beautiful home, wonderful healthy children, family and friends that love us, and the gospel in our lives to lead and direct us.

1 comment:

The Shafer Family said...

Thank you for sharing such a great poem. You are a good friend and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to get to know you.